Error message

Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in Drupal\gmap\GmapDefaults->__construct() (line 107 of /home/cfmain/prev/public_html/sites/all/modules/gmap/lib/Drupal/gmap/GmapDefaults.php).

Latest News

July 15, 2020

Holy Virgin, I beg of you,
when my soul shall depart from my body,
be pleased to meet and receive it.
Mary, do not refuse me then
the grace of being sustained by your sweet presence.
Be for me the ladder and the way to heaven,
and finally assure me of pardon
and eternal rest.

July 14, 2020

O Saint Kateri, Lily of the Mohawks,
Your love for Jesus, 
so strong, so steadfast, 
pray that we may become like you.

July 13, 2020
Pain of prisoners

Sr. Tammy Saberon is a Filipina Columban missionary who ministered for many years in Hong Kong, and later in Myanmar. Her main apostolate in both places was the Biblical Pastoral Apostolate. At the request of the Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar, she headed up the Biblical Pastoral Ministry Commission. When all the materials for the ministry had been made available in Burmese and the other ethnic languages of the region, it was time to turn the ministry over to the local Church, which she did.

July 13, 2020

Before the closing of the day,
Creator, we humbly pray,
that, for Your wonted mercy's sake,
we ask for Your protection.
May nothing in our minds excite
vain dreams and phantoms of the night.
In this, most gracious Father, hear,
With Christ, Your equal Son, our prayer;
Who, with the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns eternally.


July 12, 2020

Be appeased, O Lord, by our humble prayers,
and in Your kindness assist all those who come
before you in the sacrament of matrimony.
May their union, joined by Your authority,
be preserved by Your help.
May we all continue our married lives
with You as our guiding light and ruled
by love, compassion and forgiveness.

July 11, 2020

O exalted Father St. Benedict,
guide and patriarch of the monastic life,
you are the hope and consolation
of all who cry to you from their inmost heart.
To your holy patronage I humbly recommend myself.
To you do I pray, to thee do I cry,
O benign Father, O sweetest Master!
With the utmost fervor of my heart,

July 10, 2020

O Mother most sweet, make me love Jesus!
Pour into my soul that love which shone in You!
Purify my heart so that I may know how to
love your God and my God!
Purify my mind so that I may be able to
adore Him in spirit and truth!
Purify my body so that I may
be His living tabernacle!

July 9, 2020

O righteous band of martyrs united by faith in Christ and His Church
in a nation of religious oppression.
Led by your convictions you gave your lives
for the love and worship of Jesus, all men's Savior.
Pray the Holy Spirit descend like a redeeming fire
upon every soul in the country where you so honorably died;
pray His power spread and bring renewal

July 8, 2020

O my Sovereign Lady!
O my Mother!
I offer myself entirely to you,
and to prove my devotion,
I consecrate to you my eyes,
ears, mouth, heart, and my entire being.
Since I belong to you, O good Mother,
guard me and defend me
as your very own property and possession.


July 7, 2020

Lord of joyful journeys and boundless mercy:
From the time the sun rises to the moment it sets,
You surround me with Your glory and grandness.
But even in the tiniest of butterflies, there You are,
beautiful, delicate, helpless, wonderfully You.
I pray, my Lord, grant me the grace to find You
and love You in every creature, in every moment,


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984