Error message

Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in Drupal\gmap\GmapDefaults->__construct() (line 107 of /home/cfmain/prev/public_html/sites/all/modules/gmap/lib/Drupal/gmap/GmapDefaults.php).

Latest News

November 7, 2020

Come Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of Your faithful
and kindle in them the fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit
and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit
we may be truly wise and ever enjoy

November 6, 2020
Fr. John Boles with parishioners

Even before the Pope convoked the Synod on the Amazon in 2019, and issued his dramatic exhortation, Columban missionaries in South America have been eagerly engaged in campaigns to support the local Church, and to protect the ecology and peoples of the Amazon against injustice and exploitation.

November 6, 2020

Thank You, Lord, for Your great power
and love for all people.
Help us, to constantly praise You
and glorify Your Holy Name.
Even during times of trial, like this COVID-19 pandemic,
help us to see that we are all one world community;
that our actions affect those around us.
Remind us that the health and safety of our families

November 5, 2020

Guardian Angel, watch over those
whose names you can read in my heart.
Guard over them with every care
and make their way easy and their labors fruitful.
Dry their tears if they weep;
sanctify their joys;
raise their courage if they weaken;
restore their hope if they lose heart,
their health if they be ill,
truth if they err,

November 4, 2020
Fr. Vincenzo and his team with the bus

In February 2020 some eighteen priests and Sisters participated in the Mission Education Program for Korean missionaries going overseas at our Center House in Seoul. It was directed by Columban Fr. Thomas Nam Seungwon and the staff at our Mission Center in Seoul. The program was initiated in 1989 as a response to the feedback of Korean Missionaries returning home for vacation.

November 4, 2020

O Saintly reformer, animator of spiritual
renewal of priests and religious,
you organized true seminaries
and wrote a standard catechism.
Inspire all religious teachers
and authors of catechetical books.
Move them to love and transmit only
that which can form true followers
of the Teacher who was divine.


November 3, 2020

Most glorious Martin de Porres,
whose burning charity embraced
not only the needy brethren,
but also the very animals of the field,
splendid example of charity,
we hail you and invoke you!
From that high throne which you occupied,
listen to the humble requests of your needy brethren
that, by imitating your virtues, we may live contented

November 2, 2020

In the Gospel of Matthew 13:52 Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven as being like a householder who brings forth treasures new and old from his storeroom.

November 2, 2020

During my vacation back home in Ireland, much of my time is spent visiting family members, neighbors and friends in the countryside. While Irish society has changed in many ways in recent decades, I particularly notice the impact that rapid advances in information technology is having on the day to day lives of rural communities.

November 2, 2020
Zhong Qiu Jie

Thanksgiving Day is called Zhong-Qiu-Jie in Taiwan, which means mid-autumn festival which is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with a full moon at night. It corresponds to late September or early October of the Gregorian calendar.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984